Cemetery records are to provide the specific burial location for a person laid to rest at Calvary Cemetery. The cemetery does not collect, gather or store extensive data for genealogical research. This page has been established to assist you in finding the burial location of a deceased loved one.
Please note, this is not a genealogical service and the cemetery is not associated with such services or organizations.
The records do not contain ancestry information, lineage, social security numbers, death certificates, next of kin or relationship status.
There is a fee of $25.00 for every name researched. The request must include the decedent's first and last name, and the date of death, if known. Records are based on an individual's name, not maiden name, nickname or a/k/a (also known as). Only burial location for the individual requested will be provided, if available.
If you prefer, you can submit your request in writing to:
Calvary Cemetery
Research Department
58 McLean Boulevard
Paterson, New Jersey 07513