The End of Summer cemetery clean-up will commence on or about September 23rd. The purpose of the clean-up is to ensure the grounds are free of items that can break and cause harm to anyone or, damage to cemetery equipment. Additionally, the clean-up is to assist families prepare for fall plantings.
The cemetery is the resting place of our loved ones; where visitors come to visit, pray and pay their respects. Kindly refer to the cemetery's Rules and Regulations before placing decorations and adornments in the one foot of space in front of the headstone that is specifically for plantings only.
Please do not leave anything at the gravesite or on cemetery grounds that can inadvertently become a hazard to public safety and cause harm. For your convenience, waste receptacles are located throughout the cemetery where debris can be deposited.
Thank you for abiding by the cemetery rules and regulations, and especially for helping us keep the cemetery grounds safe for all.
Visiting Hours are from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm weekdays, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm weekends.
Planting is limited to within one foot in front of the monument.
Artificial flowers are permitted ONLY from November 1 to March 31.
Christmas decorations are removed February 1, weather permitting.
Flags are permitted from Memorial Day to July 4.
Shrubs, Azaleas, Statues, Vases, Coping or Fencing of any kind are not permitted.
Management is not responsible for any decorations.
No food or beverages permitted on the property.
Thank you for your cooperation and compliance with the cemetery Rules and Regulations.
When are artificial plantings permitted?
Artificial plantings are permitted from November 1st until March 31st.
How much space is permitted for plantings?
Plantings are permitted within 1 foot in front of the headstone.
When can I install Christmas plantings?
Anytime after November 1st.
Why aren't rocks permitted as decorations?
Small objects, such as rocks, become safety hazards. As the landscapers walk through the sections with their trimmers, the wire of the trimmer can hit the small objects projecting them into the air. These projectiles can cause harm to visitors and can also chip a headstone.
Why aren't statues or vases permitted?
Statues are exposed to the natural elements (sun, wind, rain, snow, and ice). The natural elements can cause the statue or vase to crack or break. Broken pieces now become safety hazards in the form of projectiles. As such, statues are not permitted for the overall safety of cemetery staff, landscapers and visitors.
Why aren't borders permitted?
Borders prohibit cemetery staff from opening graves for burials, especially in sections with limited space for equipment mobility. They also prevent the landscapers from cutting the grass without risk of damage to the headstones by the lawn equipment. Borders can also damage cemetery equipment after a snowfall and when the ground is covered in snow. In preparing for the arrival of a funeral, the cemetery staff will use a snow blower to clear a path to a grave site. It is impossible to spot where a border can be located and the equipment can be damaged as a result of same.
So many of our families take such great care of their family's grave site. Any food item left at a grave site can become food for the deer that will continue to eat their way through a cemetery section. As a courtesy to all, please do not leave any food source (i.e., pumpkins, squash, etc.) as a decoration. Please refrain from inadvertently feeding the deer. Thank you!